Mercury force outboard spark plug chart
Mercury force outboard spark plug chart

Unfortunately, there is no sure fire way to test the coil without replacing it, so if the rest of the ignition is in good shape, that might be the last thing to try in the case of "no fire". If not, trace purple wire until you find the break. If so, then switch and wire are in good shape. With a voltmeter, and key switch in the "on" position, check to see that + side of coil(or purple wire) has a full 11 to 12 volts to it. If your motor seems to not be getting any fire, this would be the place to check first. First thing that gets the "juice", is the resistor mounted near the ignition coil if equipped with external resistor, or the ignition coil if equipped with internal resistor figure 2. This energizes the ignition system and makes things start to happen. Next, we look at what happens when you turn the key switch to the on position.

mercury force outboard spark plug chart

If nothing unusual can be found with ignition switch, then it most likely is in good working order. Make sure wires on terminals are tight and free of corrosion. If you cannot distinctly feel the "click" as you rotate the key to each position, replace the switch. Simply make sure that the key solidly clicks to each position without sloppyness involved. Everyone would know what this device basically does, but can sometimes be overlooked when troubleshooting an ignition problem. To start things off, lets look briefly at the ignition switch, figure 1. Since design is very simple, there is not all that much that can go wrong, and not be easily fixed.

mercury force outboard spark plug chart

They consist of the ignition switch, a coil to store and release enough energy to fire the spark plugs, distributor to distribute the spark to the correct cylinder at the correct time, and the spark plugs which fire to cause combustion in each cylinder. Most early model marine engines are all typically the same when it comes to ignition systems. We will take a look at both early and late model ignition systems, and take some of the mystery out of troubleshooting, along with how to correct ignition problems. Regardless of which you have, don't let ignition problems fluster you. The ignition system of a marine engine is fairly simple for earlier models, and fairly sophisticated on later models. In this section, we will be referring to 8 cylinder engines, but the same basics apply to any marine inboard engine unless otherwise specified. Johnson Evinrude Mercury Mariner Force Chrysler Yamaha Mercruiser OMC Cobra DIY inboard outboard boat motor parts & accessories

Mercury force outboard spark plug chart